This complete dissection kit is great for anatomy, biology, and zoology studies!
This high-quality advanced dissection kit includes seven preserved animal specimens, our 17-piece dissection tool set with high-quality stainless steel instruments, a reusable dissecting pan, and 7 individual dissection guides that explain how to dissect everything.
The seven preserved specimens in this dissecting kit are a fetal pig, frog, perch, crayfish, earthworm, clam, and a grasshopper.
The 17-piece dissection tool set in this kit contains the following dissection lab equipment and stainless steel tools:
- A dissecting tool case
- Stainless steel tissue forceps
- 2'' dissection T-Pins, 6/pack
- Pipet (medicine dropper)
- Dissection pan and pad
- Clear plastic ruler, 15 cm
- Scalpel blades, #22, individual (some extra blades)
- Scalpel knife handle, #4, stainless
- Fine-point dissecting scissors, 4.5" (nearly as fine pointed as iris scissors)
- Curved teasing needle
- Straight teasing needle
For biology students in both middle school and high school, this advanced dissection kit provides a unique, memorable, and engaging glimpse into a wide variety of animals and their anatomy. Add it to your shopping cart and checkout now!
All the specimens are plain without colored latex injection. Specimens are packaged together in one bag.
Please Note: Due to unforeseen supply disruptions, starfish are no longer included in this product.
Note: Specimens are initially preserved with a formaldehyde solution, the best animal tissue fixative. The formaldehyde is then displaced first with water and finally with a glycol solution to produce a moist, low-fume specimen which will not decay over time.
HST Specimen Guarantee
In sealed, original packaging, our preserved specimens are guaranteed to remain fully preserved and free of decay for 12 months from the date of purchase.
Once the original package is opened, use specimen within one month. For best results, observe the following storage procedures:
- Store specimen in heavy-duty, zip-lock bags to minimize drying between dissections.
- Specimen will slowly dry out or become contaminated in zip-lock bags; add a teaspoon of Specimen Holding Fluid to retain moisture.
- Freezing or refrigeration is not necessary and may damage fragile tissues.