Homeschool Curriculum & Kits
Berean Builders
13 Results

Berean Builders Science Curriculum and Science Lab Kits for Elementary, Middle School, and High School

Written by Dr. Jay Wile, author of Apologia's Exploring Creation series, Berean Builders science curriculum and science lab kits center around hands-on activities. Buy the curriculum and lab kit materials using our easy curriculum bundling buying experience.

What Others Are Saying About Berean Builders
    • “The cost was great and it will save me a ton of time. I will be using this kit in a co-op setting and students will be sharing the supplies. This made the cost even more affordable for the parents. This is my second year using Home Science Tools and I am very grateful for them. Their products are just want I need and their shipping is fast. (Berean Builders Discovering Design with Chemistry Lab Kit)”

      — Kerri M.

    • “Amazing product! My four year now keeps asking to do science experiments. The substantive content of the text book is a bit advanced for her age, but we have a blast with hands-on exercises. Brilliant! So grateful to the creators. (Berean Builders Science in the Beginning Lab Kit)”

      — Anna O.

    • “I like the sequence of this chemistry text. It starts building chemistry concepts historically and lays out the subject in a logical order. Dr. Wile did a great job. The labs look interesting too. (Berean Builders Discovering Design with Chemistry Textbook, & Key)”

      — Lisa

    If you’re teaching multiple kids in elementary grades, this could be the perfect science program for you! Written by Dr. Jay Wile (author of the popular Apologia curriculum), Berean Builders is designed to give homeschool families the flexibility to use just one science course with children of different ages, saving you lots of teaching and prep time.

    The four books in the elementary series are based around historical time periods — from the Earth’s beginnings to the 1800s — and each covers a variety of science topics rather than focusing on just one (like astronomy). There is a focus on great scientists who were also Christians. Each lesson is based around a hands-on experiment, but the difficulty level of the scientific concepts can easily be varied since there are three different levels of review questions to end the lesson. If you like this style, you’ll also want to check out the Berean Builders chemistry curriculum for older students.

    From Apologia author Dr. Jay Wile, this homeschool curriculum's lessons center around hands-on activities. Buy the curriculum and lab kit materials here.